Finding oneself in a situation where a spouse has been charged with domestic violence is not only emotionally devastating but also raises crucial questions about safety, trust, and the viability of the marriage. This blog post aims to shed light on the complex decision-making process and personal journey involved in... View Article
It’s hard to miss the national discussion around domestic violence these days. During the COVID-19 pandemic, incidents of domestic violence rose dramatically. Domestic violence can happen in any kind of relationship—parent/child, married partners, couples living together and other friends or family members. You do not need to be in a... View Article
If you face domestic violence at home, there are two ways to hold your assailant accountable. One is to cooperate with the criminal process to ensure the prosecutor brings domestic violence charges in Tavares, FL. The second is to pursue your assailant through civil remedies like restraining orders, family law... View Article
We know that there are parents and juveniles who worry about what will happen to a juvenile who is charged with a crime. Will they be punished as a juvenile? As an adult? Will they have to try their case before a jury or just in front of a judge?... View Article
Stalking is a crime in every state. If you or someone you love has been the victim of stalking, the time to take action is now. Laws vary on exact definitions of stalking, but they’re typically related to targeting a specific person and making them fearful via threatening behavior. This... View Article