Categories for Child Support


Child Support In Florida: What Age Does The Support Stop?

June 13, 2024

Child support is a crucial aspect of family law, ensuring that children receive the financial support they need to thrive. In Florida, child support laws govern the obligations of parents to provide for their children’s needs, including food, shelter, clothing, education, and medical care. However, many parents may wonder: at... View Article


How Does Retroactive Child Support Work In Florida?

June 6, 2024

Child support is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being of children following a divorce or separation. In cases where child support payments were not initially established or were insufficient, retroactive child support may be ordered to cover the period before a formal support order was in place. Understanding how... View Article

Does Florida Have A Deadbeat Dad Law?

January 16, 2024

When it comes to child support enforcement, many people wonder if there is a specific “deadbeat dad law” in Florida. While the term “deadbeat dad” is often used colloquially to refer to fathers who fail to meet their child support obligations, Florida, like many other states, does not have a... View Article

How Is The Amount Of Child Support Determined In Florida?

December 13, 2023

Child support is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being and financial stability of children in situations where their parents are not living together. In Florida, the amount of child support is determined based on established guidelines and factors that take into account the needs of the child and the... View Article

How Is Child Support Determined In Florida?

November 13, 2023

Child support is a legal obligation that parents have towards their children, ensuring that they receive financial support for their upbringing and wellbeing. In the state of Florida, child support is determined according to specific guidelines outlined in the Florida Statutes. These guidelines ensure fairness and consistency in determining child... View Article

K.J. Law P.A.