Sometimes a new job beckons, or you want to be closer to your family. Other times, your child’s father is abusive and you need to get away safely with your child. In these situations, can you move out of state without the father’s permission? The answer is complicated, and depends... View Article
We all think that we’re not going to be the couple whose marriage ends in divorce, but with a 50 percent chance of that happening, it’s wise to consider a prenuptial agreement. When you’re wildly in love and planning the wedding of your dreams, the idea of agreeing on and... View Article
If you’re on community control in Tavares, FL, probation often looks like a better deal—community control is much more restrictive. Sometimes the sentences are combined, such as having a period of community control followed by probation, assuming all the conditions of community control are met. They may also be imposed... View Article
When you’re accused of a crime, you will need the help of a skilled, experienced lawyer. While you can represent yourself in court, having a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the law—and how to build a case on your behalf—is crucial. For some people, a public defender... View Article
We all want to present the best versions of ourselves, especially when we’ve been accused of a crime or are in a bitter divorce or custody battle. Maybe your intentions are good, or maybe you’re just trying to save yourself some extra embarrassment, but lying to your lawyer is never... View Article