As of July 2019, Florida decriminalized hemp—which caused a multitude of complications for law enforcement officers and lawmakers across the state. If you’ve heard of CBD and its purported benefits, you may also be aware that this particular strain of cannabis is not supposed to get you high, or create... View Article
If you’ve received an driving while license suspended “unknowingly” ticket, you might be tempted to just pay the ticket and make the problem disappear, especially if it was a one-time emergency situation. However, we suggest you call an attorney and seriously consider the consequences first. In some specific cases, paying... View Article
If you’re charged with a crime, you have a chance of being sentenced with community control, probation or even both. Unless you’re a lawyer, many people don’t understand what each term means. What is the difference between community control and probation in Tavares, FL? Read on to find out! What... View Article
Most people don’t want to go to jail—but if they’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, there’s a major chance that once they’re released from jail, they’ll commit a related offense and end up right back where they started. There’s a 75 percent recidivism rate in America, and less than 10... View Article
As of July 1, hemp is now legal in the state of Florida. This change to the state’s drug law has had a significant impact on how prosecuting and drug defense attorneys in Tavares, FL alike handle their drug crime cases. Hemp is a strain of the cannabis plant that... View Article