Many people have questions as to the process for expunging or sealing a criminal record. The process involves a lot of moving parts including contacting the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the appropriate State Attorney’s Office. You should hire an experienced attorney that handles these kinds of cases and... View Article
In a recently published 2nd DCA decision, the Second DCA held that a fine that is imposed at sentencing that remains unpaid after having been released from prison shields a defendant from registering as a sex offender after being convicted of a sex offense. State v. James, _So.3d_, 45 F.L.W... View Article
The 1st DCA recently held that the amendments to Marsy’s Law do not make a victim a party to a criminal case. L.T. V. State,_So.3d_, 45 F.L.W. D927 (1st DCA 4/17/2020). In L.T., an attorney filed a Notice of Appearance and requested copies of all pleadings in the case. The... View Article
Florida’s 10-20-Life law imposes enhanced penalties for crimes that involve a firearm. There are two primary enhancements under the law. In felony cases where a firearm is used those felonies are reclassified: A felony of the first degree is reclassified to a life felony A felony of the second degree... View Article
It is illegal for someone 21 years of age or older to drive a vehicle while having a BAC above .08% or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or a chemical substance to the extent that your normal faculties are impaired. That is not the case for someone under... View Article