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What Are Non-Marital Assets?

August 4, 2022

Being able to share anything and everything with your significant other is not just a romantic notion but is actually a practical one. Especially if marriage is on the table, you and your partner should be aware that your assets will be combined and considered owned together upon the finalization... View Article

When You Need Professional Help, Talk to a Lawyer

July 28, 2022

We live in a litigious society where the law affects everything we do. From interacting with people to driving cars and running businesses, every activity that rubs into another person can affect them or us legally. In simple terms, some activities can lead to lawsuits — other people suing you... View Article

How Do I Get My Spouse To Help Pay for Our Child After a Divorce?

June 6, 2022

Are you considering a divorce and wondering who will pay child support once you separate? Your child/children may require additional child care since you and your ex will not be living together. Someone will have to pay for all additional care and costs, which can be expensive depending on the... View Article

K.J. Law P.A.