Legal situations involving children demand special foresight and delicate handling. You need to ensure the right legal outcome, without bringing mental stress and strain to yourself or any children involved. Consulting with an experienced child custody attorney in Tavares and Lake County, FL is essential.
K.J. Law P.A. handles a broad range of legal cases involving paternity and custody. We pursue outcomes that are optimal for you, the parent, and nonthreatening to your child. Let us bring you peace of mind and stability when it comes to your children and any legalities involving them.
DNA Paternity Tests
A DNA paternity test in Tavares, FL is required by Florida State Law for all children born out of wedlock. Because paternity results can dictate everything from owed child support to legal rights regarding a minor’s medical or civil situation, it’s advised you seek a paternity test as soon as possible.
We’re here to offer legal counsel regarding your paternity status if you’re proven to be the biological father of a child. Or, if DNA tests show otherwise, we’ll help you explore your legal options regarding custody or parental rights.
Child Custody
Custody of a minor comes with significant responsibility. If you’re pursuing joint or full custody, we’ll work to understand your grounds and make a case that gives you the best chance. Thanks to our experience with paternity tests, child time-sharing and support, and guardianship law, we’re able to help you explore every option in your efforts to care for a child.
Get the Results
From paternity testing to child custody disputes, we’re the authority on paternity law. Contact K.J. Law P.A. today with the details of your situation and let us bring you clarity and peace of mind, alongside the fair and favorable resolution you’re seeking from the court. Contact us today at 352-735-4342 to schedule a consultation for child support and other family law assistance.